Thursday, April 2, 2009

Show & Tell Friday~

Thank you Kelli for hosting Show and Tell Friday..visit Kelli over at:

My daughter was gone last weekend to dance competition, so her boyfriend came over and made this sign..isn't he a sweetie..

This is right when we pulled in the driveway, I will say she was very surprised..

This is my daughter who was happy but not too thrilled with me not letting her in on it. She had been up since 4am and on a bus for 6 hours..he presented her with 2 doz. roses..and of course she said..yesssss..


Anonymous said...

How sweet! Are you glad it didn't say 'Kayla will you marry me?' Not quite yet, correct! : )
Cute share.

Shaam said...

Aw, he's a good boyfriend. When my boyfriend and I went to prom there was no formal asking he was just like "So were going right?" Sooo unromantic. Your daughter's is a keeper. lol It's sweet that you have pictures of it! I know many people who had really neat ways they were asked but no pictures :( That's nice for her to have!

All the best,

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

What a lucky girl...seems like the boy might be "keeper" material...

CarJax said...

So sweet! I'm glad he understands that she is a treasure and should be treated like one. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Jax in Alaska

P.S. Come on over to my blog for more show and tell fun!

SmilingSally said...

He sounds like a keeper! Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday. Here’s mine:

Secondhand Blessings said...

How sweet; I'm glad that you captured that moment with a snapshot.

Hootin Anni said...

How sweet......ahhhhhhh, young love!!!!

My Show n Tell is some of my treasured roses and amaryllis this week. Come by and enjoy the sweet fragrance and beauty.

Happy Friday.

Simply Heart And Home said...

What a romantic! ~sigh~

Thank you for sharing your sweet story and pictures with us.


Domestic Designer said...

How sweet! Sounds like a good catch to me.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a cute couple and he sounds like a keeper. Hugs, Marty

ellie mae said...

Ahhh How sweet! I love when guys can come up with fun stuff like that. Very creative and fun! Hes a keeper!

Femin Susan said...

Thanks for sharing your sweet story .