Yea!!! Outdoor Wednesday..how exciting. Thanks to our hostess Susan over at A Southern Daydreamer we can see all kinds of great outdoor spaces, flowers and many beautiful things. So head on over to Susan's blog to check out more! http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
This is Rupert, its a bad photo because it was taken through the window. Rupert is with the Witness Protection Program..he runs as soon as you get a camera out. As a pup he loved photos, but now he will never let a picture be taken. So today when I saw him out by the pool, I just had to sneak one in. Don't you love the perfect line down his face of the two colors?
These are our ducks that dropped by last May..they are wood ducks and little mama brought her 12 babies by for a swim. They played in the pool and enjoyed the yard for about 5 hours before they went on their merry little way!

This was what I found today in my walk about in the backyard..poor guy below was hit by the freeze but still manages a bloom. There's a life lesson for all of us..even when we feel the worst, still try to put a smile on your face..see how that brightens up the mood? Many of my flowers are fighting there way back and even if it the plant looks leggy and not so beautiful I am happy to see the color of those blooms!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday Margaret!
Your flowers are pretty...even frostbit! And your dog is a cutie (mine all run TO a camera...not away).
and how wonderful you were able to capture Momma and her little ones as they stopped in for a visit!
Thanks for sharing your photos.. have a great day!
Love your pool area and all of its visitors! My cat Ozzie does not allow photos either ...a regular Marlene Dietrich!...she "vants to be alone"! Love the lone bloom on the Christmas cactus...Debbie
Rupert is so sweet, Margaret, and I enjoyed seeing the duck visitors, too. I know how you feel about the plants. Our bouganvilla got hit hard, and it was gorgeous a few weeks ago. I'll be glad when we're out of the deep freeze. :-)
Happy Outdoor Wednesday...
Sheila :-)
Those babies are so precious! Rupert is adorable. One of my chihuahua's hates to have her picture taken too. If she can't get away, she closes her eyes. I have some frost bitten plants that are trying to come back too. ☺ Diane
Margaret, Love Rupert...he's so cute! Also...the blooms are wonderful! It's nice to see Spring rearing it's little head in any way that it can, isn't it? ;) ~CC Catherine
Lovely pictures, and so neat the ducks dropped by for a swim.
Beautiful flowers, and the ducks in your pool are just fabulous. I've never heard of the ducks taking a swim in the pool. Great pictures.
Your dog is so cute and that's a great photo with the reflection in the pool!
That Rupert is a cutie, too bad he's camera shy he could have a career as a doggy model! The ducks are so cute, lucky that you were able to get a picture of them. Great pictures, thanks for sharing. Kathy
Hi, Margaret ...
I loved your photos ... especially of the cute ducks! I know that was exciting to have them "drop by" for a swim in your pool.
I'm going to add your pretty blog to my "Favorites," and look forward to getting to know you better.
Love your pics. The doggies face is just adorable!
Hmm, how big is your husband? You probably live far enough way that I'm safe when you tell him about the arbor!
LOL gotta love a dog that joins the witness protection program :) I just love the flowers. They're my favorite and yours are so pretty.
Your flowers are very pretty. I too am always surprised when a beautiful bloom comes from a plant that looks well, not so good. It does give you hope. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. Maryrose
Hi Margaret,
Ahh Rupert is a sweetie. I enjoyed all your outdoor shots today! Have a wonderful Wednesday...
Rupert is adorable! Momma and lil ducks are so precious! Beautiful photos you captured...Happy Outdoor Wednesday to YOU! I enjoyed your photos..Katherinellen
Awww. Your photos shed a little on my Indiana winter. Love them. Your pup is super cute and those ducks in your pool are too cute.
Happy Wednesday! I Thought I would come on over and check out your outdoor photos. Love the duck photos. I hope you are having a great day!
Just love Rupert, he's handsome and he knows it.
I enjoyed the pictures of the ducks and the flowers too. I have a cacti that looks very similar, they are very resilient plants.
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